Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 8.

I am practicing a thirty day fast from hating Texas. I  post one thing I love about Tejas everyday until February 5. 

EIGHT. The fresh, bright and breezy early spring.

I remember biking to class in late March/ early April in Bermuda shorts and a thin cardi, soaking up the crisp morning which melted into a friendly sunny afternoon. The kind of sunny that kisses gently, rather than turning you into a sweaty puddle every time you step outside.  A span of time when forgetting deodorant would not be a total tragedy; sundresses are fun, not itchy and chaffing. Hammocks or quilts on the lawn seem inviting with a Sonic slushy, and Jane Austen book in hand.

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and avocados are cheap as dirt and at every farmers market. Mmmm. what a fabulous time in Texas, the early spring. 

What do you love about Texas? 

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